
This is a short guide to a Kinesiology session, with some insights into the principles of KInesiology.

What Happens In a Kinesiology Session…


This short guide will give you some idea of what to expect during a kinesiology session.

It will also give some of the principles of Kinesiology as a therapy. One of which is called the 4 Realms – MCPE, treat the eMotions, bio-Chemical, Physical and Energietically as ONE Being.



Dedicated & Personalised to YOU




Holistic Therapy




Law of the 5 Elements

On Your First Visit…


During your first session:

We take a full medical and lifestyle history, and with your consent, identify key areas of concern for you and then create a PIP, (Personalised Individual Plan) for you. I allow extra time for this and do not “charge” for this, the initial pre-treatment consultation is FREE. Only if I feel I can be of assistance will we proceed.

In other sessions:

In subsequent sessions, we will always do a review and recap to make sure we are dealing with any new or old concerns, or maybe something from the past has come to mind, this can sometimes happen.

Fully Dressed:

You remain fully dressed during the session; I’ll ask you to wear light comfortable clothing but not jeans or a dress.

“Balance” is key:

In Kinesiology, we do not diagnose or treat any condition. The concept is that, by balancing the body and mind, stress is then reduced / removed.

The premise is that a stress-free body can heal and repair itself to a greater extent than a stressed mind or body.

What stresses the body and mind:

In kinesiology we have a broad concept of ‘causes of stress’ – to me, stress can be emotional stress, or anxiety, or worry coming up to an exam of some sort, like a driving test.

Stress in the body, as it often is, can also be food related or posture related, or a sports injury.

Even too much heat or coldness can ‘cause stress’ to the body. For example women in menopause often get very stressed when a Hot Flash happens, ask any woman who has had one.

A physiological description:

Kinesiology is a holistic therapy “which uses muscle response testing to measure the motor response of the central nervous system to a sensory challenge.”

By doing this, imbalances can be determined and methods to rebalance the body can be indicated.

In a simpler way:

Kinesiology may be seen as a ‘deep meaningful dialogue’ between the practitioner and you as a client, where, allowing us both to observe what is happening in the body. Don’t worry, no deep secrets are revealed, it is believed to do with the ‘energy’ links between mind, body and consciousness.


After experiencing a session, people often say they feel reduced stress, energy levels are up and pain is reduced.


How is this?…

A step by step guide to help explain:

#1 As your practitioner, I will place your arm, leg or head into a specific position to test the ‘function’ of the primary muscle – we test only one muscle at a time. Placing the limb in the optimum test position and then testing is based on the research by Drs Kendal and Kendal – no, not a typo.

#2 Then I apply a very light pressure to test the ‘function’ of each muscle, to observe whether it moves or stays in position. As each muscle has a link to a meridian, this is a vital part of the muscle testing.

#3 With the bio-feedback from each muscle test, we may be able to identify exactly what is ‘involved’ and devise a PIP that is unique to you.

#4 After completing the testing; suggestions and advice may include aspects of foods, nutritional supplements, relaxation and other techniques including advanced massage points, lifestyle changes and more.

#5 Your PIP may include some post-therapy things for you to do, I will advise you at the time.


The Kinesiology part:

The manual muscle test and its response to testing is the kinesiology part.

The therapy part:

The rest draws on other sciences, such as nutrition, anatomy, physiology as well as the Eastern philosophies of healing, including TCM.

Factors affecting health and wellness:

Many factors affect and contribute to health, wellness, vitality and energy levels. Depending on the muscles responses, clients can be supported to come into better ‘balance’ and strive to achieve their level of optimum health and wellness.

Reading is good, doing is better:

Reading about kinesiology is good, but there is no substitute for checking it out yourself.

You may well be amazed to see how it works with the body’s integrated systems, and, of course, you’ll begin to feel the benefits.

Our amazing Human Body:

The human body and mind is a highly sophisticated and complex integrated organism.

It is much more than the components of the individual parts and pieces, so to speak,

As a kinesiologist, it is amazing to witness how all the individual parts and pieces function both individually and in combination as a fully integrated human being.

This is based on the Chinese meridian system of the Law of the 5 Elements, which is truly amazing.


Using acupressure and other therapies to stimulate the healing processes, I believe my role is to assist to bring about a ‘state of inner and outer energy balance’ and harmony to enable all these physical and emotional components to function in a way that may bring about optimum health and wellness.

Please Note, the Association I belong to, has advised on the following:

“As a natural health practitioner, I am not allowed to make claims on my website or social media that the treatments I offer can help with specific medical conditions or symptoms you may be suffering”

Please give me a call or text on 07429208288 to talk about your issues and to see how I can help you.

You can also click the link below to arrange a call at a time suitable for you.

My Practice


Conviently located near Forsetside, but not close enough to get caught up in the traffic jams.

Book an Appointment

To help see if Kinesiology is for you, book a FREE no-obligation 20-minute consultation.

Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Evening and Saturday appointments available by special arrangement.