Welcome to the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program
This is where you’ll find more details about the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program.
The Lifestyle Weight Loss Program is for people who want to loss weight and keep it off in a sustainable way.

This is a picture of me 14 years after my BIG weight loss.
In January 1999, I was in the grossly obese BMI range and put out 5 verterae.
So what did I do? Well, I’m going to shate that with you on the program.
By August the same year I lost over 30% of my body weight and at least 10 inches on the waist and felt great.
So as you can imagine I couldn’t exercise, run or do normal things AND I desperately needed to lose weight.
Now I offer the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program, as a bespoke personalised, individual tailored to you program.
I have refined the program over the years and am confident we can work together to help you face the challanges of weight loss, the emotional thoughts that go with it and avoid the danger of weight “rebound”.
As I have been there, I understand what it is like, the pain, the effort and the disappointments.
So, what is the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program?
The Lifestyle Weight Loss Program or LWLP is a lifestyle program for a healthier, more energetic and fulfilling life, with less weight.
Why is Lifestyle Weight Loss Program so special?
It is a bespoke, personalised individual program, tailored to your needs, your metabolism and your goals.
There are no group sessions, each session is private.
This is a program that is dedicated to you and if you see the program in action, you’ll understand that it is truly for you, about you and focused on you.
Who is Lifestyle Weight Loss Program for?
This program is suitable for women, men and teenagers.
Are you suffering from weight gain when going through the menopause? This program may help.
Before you read any more, here’s what the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program is not:
- It is not a diet
- It is not about exercise
- It is not time in the gym
- It is not “walking” it off
- It is not calorie counting
- It is not protein drinks or ‘shakes’
- Most importantly:
- It is not a ‘one size fits all’ type of program, every person has unique differences, we work with you as a unique individual.
Here’s what the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program is:
The Lifestyle Weight Loss Program is a lifestyle program for a healthier, more energetic and fulfilling life, with less weight.
As the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program is personalised to your needs, we will focus on primary ‘weight gain’ factors and then work towards a healthier lifestyle with a healthy approach to losing weight.
Having lost weight, we then focus on maintaining that weight loss and steps to control your weight the way you want it and to avoid the dredded “rebound”.
Weight loss can be long term.
Yes, it can be done. Check out my photo below, taken 14 years after losing weight.
I know from experience, here is my own story about weight loss…
In the late 90’s, I was in the grossly obese weight range. I’d just turned 41.
I lost my ‘big weight’ in 1999, while dealing with a back injury where I had 5 vertebrae out. So, I wasn’t able to go to the gym, the pool or hardly walk.
To be open and honest, I did not want to go to a gym with all those one’s with the super abs, I would have been embarrassed.
Even with the back problem, between March 1999 and August 1999, I still managed to lose over 30% of my body weight and over 10 inches on the waist. Here is a photo of me in 2014…

My Vision
for your
Lifestyle Weight Loss Program
Kieran’s vision is to help people just like you (and me) manage weight. It is suitable for men, women and teenagers.
I know people who only have to look and food and they gain a pound or two and they keep strictly to the diet plan.
They do all the things they are told and still can’t lose any more weight.
So, it can’t be the calorie counting, there must be some other factor. That is where I come in, helping to find the unexplained reason of why a person cannot lose any more weight or inches.
I offer a no-obligation FREE 20-minute consultation, for you to see if this is right for you.
You’ve nothing to lose by booking the FREE 20-minute consultation.
Cick the button below to book it.
It is my experience there is the before and after story when dieting…
Before the dieting starts…
What tends to happen frequently when a person reaches their goal, say, going to a wedding or holiday and you want to look fantastic, all the plugs are pulled out before the big event and a rabbit diet happens.
Depending on how much time before the big event, the shorter the time usually the more severe the dieting is.
Once the big event is over, what happens?
All the motivation to lose weight is gone and the weight rebounds on, at times, sometimes, more than was lost with a devastating emotional impact.
All the effort, work, restricting yourself, “being good” has gone, but the weight hasn’t, it found its way back.
Does your weight plateau?
Can’t seem to lose any more weight?
Has your weight loss ‘plateaued’, whatever you do, you keep to the diet, no matter how hard you try you can’t shed more weight?
Reaching a plateau is common and if that is where you are, give me a call and we can talk about it.
When a person reaches a weight loss plateau, there can be a few reasons, such as:
- A food intolerance
- Not enough nutrition
- Low energy, believe it or not, you need energy to lose weight, and I don’t mean calories.
What makes LWLP different?
This program is geared towards your goals, your needs and is tailored to you.
While each program is individual, this is usually a good place to start and then we develop the program for you.
- Food Intolerance Testing, sometimes called food allergies testing.
- Nutritional profile
- Metabolism profile
This is a really good way the start.
The Lifestyle Weight Loss Program is based on the following principles:
- Support
- Advice
- Guide
- Educate
- Empower
I call it SAGE for short.
This is a brief guide to the program and each part will be geared to your success in losing weight, losing inches (or cm’s) and then maintaining that new healthier you.
If you’d like to find out more, I offer a no-obligation FREE 20-minute consultation. To books yours call/text me on 07429208288, or click the button below.
The LWLP is also available as an online service.
My Practice
Conveniently located near Forestside, but not close enough to get caught up in the traffic jams.
Book an Appointment
To help see if the Lifestyle Weight Loss Program is for you, book a FREE no-obligation 20-minute ‘taster session’.
Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm. Also available for online consultations.Evening and Saturday appointments available by special arrangement.